
Most active pages
3 December 2010

7112.4 k2.4 k24 kSteward requests/Permissions
8111.6 k2.8 k39 kFoundation wiki feedback
6113 k3 k37 kSteward requests/Checkuser
4121.6 k6.4 k14 kSteward requests/Username changes
463.4 k3.3 k90 kWikimedia Forum
386739.1 k170 kTranslation of the week/Translation candidates
4577177116 kSteward requests/Global
473863964 kFundraising 2010
351.6 k1.6 k9.9 kVolunteer Response Team/Volunteering
3642350558 kWikimedia News
11-23 k23 k297 kSteward requests/Checkuser/2008
232.1 k2 k2 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/id
165.7 k8.9 k8.6 kFundraising 2010/Introduction
1122 k21 k21 kMovement roles/Working group meeting 2010-12-3
25-2 k1.9 k15 kFundraising 2010/Committee
2469179592 kFundraising 2010/Graphic Banners/Proposals
2356956915 kCentralNotice/Log
25106.1 k6.5 kFundraising 2010/Tab
226646644.8 kStewards' noticeboard
2244744729 kSteward requests/Bot status
22202019 kIdentification noticeboard/old
123.5 k3.4 k3.4 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/ne
123.9 k3.8 k3.8 kFundraising 2010/tr
132.2 k2.5 k36 kFundraising 2010/Updates
142.2 k2.2 k2.2 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/pl
115 k4.9 k4.9 kAußerordentliche Mitgliederversammlung 2011/W 1
151.8 k1.8 k1.8 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/dsb
22080433 kRequests for comment/Chapters. Proposal to give transparency and voice to…
2207821.5 kRequests for comment/Chapters. Proposal to give transparency and voice to…
220589.9 kCheckUser policy/Users with CheckUser access
22-5212.5 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/he
131.8 k1.8 k1.8 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/hsb
22-2245 kWikimedia España/Reglamento Interno de Régimen Electoral
12-2.2 k2.2 k50 kSteward requests/Permissions/Approved temporary
131.8 k1.8 k1.8 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/gl
113.4 k3.3 k3.3 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/fa
151.3 k1.3 k117 kFundraising 2010/Banner testing/Stats/Banner history
131.6 k1.6 k1.6 kFundraising 2010/Banner testing/Stats/Archived
112.7 k2.6 k2.6 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/ar
112.4 k2.3 k4 kSteward requests/Permissions/2010-12
112.3 k2.3 k2.3 kMitgliederversammlung 2011-1
112 k1.9 k1.9 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/it
12-714726269Fundraising 2010/Banner testing/Stats
24041687Steward requests/Miscellaneous/Bot-reported
111.2 k1.1 k1.1 kTranslation requests/Benefactors/ne
111.1 k1.1 k1.1 kTranslation requests/Wikimedia office signs/sr
12-27527542 kFundraising 2010/Banner testing
142332336.7 kRequests for comment/Chapters. Proposal to give transparency and voice to…
121341342.3 kProposals for closing projects/Closure of Kannada Wikiquote
1221021211 kPlanet Wikimedia
12-5454377Fundraising 2010/Tabs
131062086.4 kSabat
1237914.4 kMovement roles project
1125925913 kRequests for new languages/Wikisource Esperanto
112602601.4 kFundraising 2011/Core messages/pl
112562561.3 kFundraising 2011/Core messages/id
13002.5 kFundraising 2010/Messages
11183183183Fundraising 2010/SMshare/da
111641642.6 kMeetup/London/40
11134134628Spam blacklist/Log/2010/12
111261264.2 kRequests for new languages/Wikinews Albanian
1112412418 kSteward requests/Global permissions
11112112243Fundraising 2010/SMshare/id
1110910936 kAmical Wikimedia/Members and Supporters
11109109273Fundraising 2010/SMshare/pl
11-11011013 kRequests for comment/Lithuanian Wikipedia and Wikibooks
111051051.6 kTin tức về Wikimedia
11105105597Tin tức về Wikimedia/2010/12
11100100237Fundraising 2010/SMshare/ms
1199993.6 kMeetup/UK/Footer list
118181249Category:English documentation
1161611.3 kFundraising 2011/Core messages/ms
1157571.7 kFundraising 2010/Write An Appeal/Tobias
1143431.9 kFundraising 2010/Kartika Appeal/cs
1125254.9 kAdministrators of Wikimedia projects/Serbian projects
112424289 kSpam blacklist
11212115 kWikimedia South Africa
1120201.1 kFundraising 2011/Core messages/sv
1112121.9 kFundraising 2010/Appeal/id
1277774.3 kProposals for new projects
1261614.7 kFundraising 2010/Open issues
114264267.1 kMailing lists
1100976Translation requests/Donatur
110046 template/temp
110046 template
11112.4 kFundraising 2010/Appeal/az
11004.3 kFundraising 2010/Translation
121123 kWikimedia Foundation Report, September 2010
111991992.8 kList of Wikipedias by language family
1100115 kList of Wikipedias/Table
11111001Publications Wikipédia
Graphique des modifications 3 December 2010
Graphique des utilisateurs 3 December 2010
Graphique des espaces de noms 3 December 2010